Tak tu je zoznam piesní, ktoré mi každý deň spríjemňujú život. Resp. obsah piesní, ktoré sa momentálne nachádzajú v mojej MP3. Môžete si všimnúť, že počúvam dosť rôznorodú hudbu. Nie som teda upriamená len na jeden štýl hudby. Ja počúvam to, čo sa mi páčí - metal, pop, punk,soundtracky aj rap...a všetky ich "odrody". Ja si piesne do MP3 vyberám s jedným hlavným účelom - aby sa pri nich dalo dobre premýšľať. Pre mňa má totiž hudba veľký význam, je pre mňa strašne dôležitá. U mňa hudba nemôže fungovať len ako kulisa. Nedokážem ju počúvať potichu, vtedy to nemá poriadne žiadny význam. Keď už počúvam music( a to ja stále) tak to riadne vypeckujem. Mám šťastie, že si na to moji rodičia už zvykli...Hudba odráža moje nálady,pocity a myšlienky. Je to moje hobby, moja potreba...
Taktiež je tam vyditeľná nerovnosť medzi ženskými a mužskými interpretmi. No čo sa dá robiť, ja proste počúvam chlapov;)...
30 seconds to mars - Capricorn (A Brand New Name)
30 seconds to mars - Oblivion
30 seconds to Mars - A Modern Myth
30 seconds to mars - Hunter
30 seconds to Mars - Capricorn live
30 seconds to mars - A Beautiful Lie
30 seconds to mars - Attack
30 seconds to mars - From Yesterday
30 seconds to mars - R-Evolve
30 seconds to mars - Savoir
30 seconds to mars - The Fantasy
30 seconds to mars - The Kill
30 seconds to mars - The Story
30 seconds to mars - Was it a Dream
30 seconds to mars - The Mission
Clint Mansell & Kronos Quartet - Summer Party II (Requiem for a dream)
Clint Mansell & Kronos Quartet - Summer Ghosts (Requiem for a dream)
Clint Mansell & Kronos Quartet - Fall Cleaning Apartment (Requiem for a dream)
Clint Mansell & Kronos Quartet - Winter Lux Aeterna (Requiem for a dream)
Papa Roach - Take Me
Alexi Murdoch - Orange Sky
Emery - Studying Politics
A Perfect Circle - Passive
A Perfect Circle - Believe
Afi - Prelude 12-21
Bobby Gold - Why Are You Up
Darren Hayes - Insatiable
Darren Hayes - Darkness
Darren Hayes - Ego
Darren Hayes - Hero
Darren Hayes - I Forgive You
Darren Hayes - I Like the Way
Darren Hayes - Sense of Humor
Darren Hayes - Step Into The Light
Darren Hayes - Who Would Have Thought
David Draiman of Disturbed - Forsaken (Queen of the damned)
Disturbed -10000 Fists
Disturbed - Avarice
Disturbed - Deify
Disturbed - Devour
Disturbed - Meaning Of Life
Disturbed - Believe
Disturbed - Bound
Disturbed - Breathe
Disturbed - Conflict
Disturbed - Darkness
Disturbed - Decadance
Disturbed - Down With The Sickness
Disturbed - Droppin Plates
Disturbed - Fear
Disturbed - Intoxication
Disturbed - Just Stop
Disturbed - Land Of Confusion
Disturbed - Liberate
Disturbed - Mistress
Disturbed - Numb
Disturbed - Overburdend
Disturbed - Prayer
Disturbed - Remember
Disturbed - Sacred Life
Disturbed - Son Of A Plunder
Disturbed - Stricken
Disturbed - Stupify
Disturbed -The Game
Disturbed - Violence Fetish
Disturbed - Voices
Disturbed - Want
Earshot - Headstrong
Fall Out Boy - Dance Dance
Fall Out Boy - Get Busy Living Or Get Busy Dying (Do Your Part To Save The Scene And Stop Going To Shows)
Fall Out Boy - Golden
Fall Out Boy - Of All The Gin Joints In All The World
Fall Out Boy - The Take Over The Breaks Over
Fall Out Boy - This Aint a Scene Its an Arms Race
Fall Out Boy - Thnks fr th Mmrs
Fall Out Boy - Thriller
Chester Bennington of Linkin Park - System (Queen of the damned)
3 Days Grace - I Hate Everything About You
JustinTimberlake - Sexy Back
Kasabian - Empire
Kidneythieves - Before I´m Dead (Queen of the damned)
Korn & Limp Bizkit - All In The Family
Lifehouse - Breathing
Limp Bizkit with Disturbed and Godsmack - Blood In My Eyes
Linkin Park - Piano Instrumentals - In The End
Linkin Park - The Down Syndrome
Lostprophets - 4 AM Forever
Lostprophets - Can't Catch Tomorrow (Good Shoes Won't Save You This Time)
Lostprophets - Everyday Combat
Linkin Park - In the End
My Chemical Romance - 4 piesne od MCR, ktorých názvy nepoznám
My Chemical Romance - Last Famous Words
My Chemical Romance - The Ghost Of You
Panic! at the disco - Only Difference Between Martyrdom And Suicide Is Press Cover
Panic! at the disco - Lying Is The Most Fun A Girl Can Have Without Taking Her Clothes off
Panic! at the disco - But It's Better If You Do
Panic! at the disco - I Write Sins Not Tragedies
Puscifer - The Undertaker (Renholder Mix)
Puscifer - REV 22-20
Slipknot - Vermillion Pt. 2 (Bloodstone Remix)
Static-X - The Only
Stones - Broken
Stones - The Way I Feel
Styles Of Beyond - Nine Thou Superstars Remix
Tori Amos - Crucify
Wayne Static Of Static-x - Not Meant For Me
Škoda, že mám len 512-stku. To potom keď si chcem dať do Mp3 new songs, tak nastáva dilema, že čo mám vyhodiť:D
Queen of the damned
vies o tom,, ze som uz davno nemala v paprciach tvoj mpac?? musim si dakedy nenapadko vypozicat!! =))
No to iste...
tyyy jooo
ale inak bud rado, ze mas 512tku, ja mam gigovu a prave zurim, ze pocuvam stale to iste a nemam tam dat co ine, a tak len v kuse prepinam, prepinam a nicim baterky:D
To Teafoos
Nj...len ked nox mi bohuzial este neposlal to In FLames...asi si to budem musiet stiahnut...A od Nirvany som tam istu dobu mala nieco, len akosi uz mi miesto nevydalo:D...