Blood & Gold

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V hlavných úlohách Jared Leto a Jake Gyllenhaal - smrteľne cool dvojka;)...

Môj názor:

Highway je vážne unikátny film. Hotové veľdielo :-D.  Poznám ho už dávno, no až teraz som sa premohla a konečne o ňom niečo aj napíšem. Je to príbeh dvoch priateľov Jacka Hayesa (Jared Leto) a Pilota Kelsona (Jake Gyllenhaal), ktorí sa poznajú už od detstva. Pilot je večne zhulený drogový díler a Jack zase známy ako „The God of Fuck“. Všetko sa to začína, keď Jack poriadne prestrelí a pretiahne Jilly Miranda, manželku svojho zamestnávateľa Burta Mirandu. Je prichytený in flagranti, čiže sa z toho nemá ako vyvliecť a pri pohľade do hlavne pištole znervóznie a podarí sa mu utiecť. Hneď celý nadšený beží za Pilotom, aby sa mu pochválil, že si to rozdal s manželkou „veľkého zvieraťa“ Burta Mirandu. Až vtedy mu Pilot odhalí holú a krutú pravdu – Jilly Miranda je „black death“. To znamená, že Burt Miranda na Jacka poslal svojich chlapov (a veru to sú väzby), nazývaných „Miranda´s Pandas“. Tí majú za úlohu zlámať mu chodidlá – keď máte polámané chodidlá, tak nemôžete ani stáť, ani sedieť, pretože sa vám nahrnie krv do nôh a sakramentsky to bolí. Toho sa Jack zľakne (prekvapivo) a nahovorí Pilota, aby s ním ušiel z mesta. Pilot sa nakoniec nechá prehovoriť (má na to aj osobné dôvody) a vydajú sa do Seattlu. Počas cesty si zájdu do bordelu Dan D. Fine, aby prečistili Pilotove trubky; stretnú dievča, pri ktorom Jack predvedie aký je mužný a zachráni ju pred dotieravým chlapom; zoznámia sa s „Aligator boy-om“ a s jeho matkou a spoznajú ich ťažký osud; atď...

Je to vskutku zaujímavé a zábavné. Mne sa najviac páčia ich dialógy a kecy. Nejaké vám aj poskytnem:



Jack Hayes: How much did you give her?

Pilot Kelson: Not much.

Jack Hayes: Come on, Pilot, how much?

Pilot Kelson: Just a bit- I'm not a rich guy. Just a bit.

Jack Hayes: 'A bit?' And what is a bit?

Pilot Kelson: Don't be so nosy, Jack.

Jack Hayes: Don't be such a fucking pussy, Pilot. Just tell me how much.

Pilot Kelson: Just a bit, all right? The kid's dying. I gave them a bit.


Pilot Kelson: I can't believe that you told him: 'We're thinking Seattle.' What kind of total void are you, Jack?

Jack Hayes: Pilot, relax, man. He thinks we're going to Detroit.

Pilot Kelson: Yeah? Man, tomorrow morning...that freak wakes up...his nipple ring's been torn off...he's got a brand-new monkey in his closet...and a 14-year-old Asian boy...lying next to him is in a diabetic coma...he won't remember a fucking thing about last night...except that we're taking our trick asses to Seattle! Give me the keys.


Johnny the Fox: Kurt Cobain, son.

Pilot Kelson: What about him?

Johnny the Fox: Oh, he killed himself.

Pilot Kelson: When?

Johnny the Fox: Yesterday. He shot himself.

Pilot Kelson: For real?

Johnny the Fox: For real.

Pilot Kelson: Shit.

Pilot Kelson: You cool?

Johnny the Fox: Yeah, I'm cool.



Jack Hayes: You guys never know anything. You don't even know... that Kennedy was assassinated.
Scawldy: Wait, George Kennedy was assassinated?



A boy: This smells like shit.

Pilot Kelson: It´s because they´re grown in shit.



Pilot Kelson: Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Jack Hayes – the God of Fuck.

Jack Hayes: Bro, you´re never going to believe this shit!

Jack Hayes: I am so fucking fucked!



Jack Hayes: Break my feet?!

Jack Hayes: He ain't breakin' my feet.

Pilot Kelson: Broken feet are the worst, like black death.

Pilot Kelson: Totally gothic.

Pilot Kelson: I mean, like, you can't use crutches, you can't sit in a wheelchair...because the weight distribution...making all the blood flow to your ankles...and making it worse. You can't do shit.



Pilot Kelson: Pop Quiz.
Jack Hayes: No.
Pilot Kelson: Come on. It's a quick one.
Jack Hayes: Go.
Pilot Kelson: What is 1,056 dicks?
Jack Hayes: A lot of dicks.
Pilot Kelson: Beep. Perfect Score. Gold star. 



Jack Hayes: Jack and Jilly went up the hilly to get a pail of water!



Jack Hayes: Pop quiz.
Pilot Kelson: Go.
Jack Hayes: How much I owe you for helping me out?
Pilot Kelson: A gazillion.
Jack Hayes: Who's the major old-school happener?
Pilot Kelson: Piiilot.
Jack Hayes: How much longer are we a team?
Pilot Kelson: Forever.
Jack Hayes: Beep... Perfect score, gold star.



Jilly Miranda: Ice tea, Jack?
Jack Hayes: Sure, Mrs. Miranda.
Jilly Miranda: Sure is hot, isn't it, Jack?
Jack Hayes: It sure is, Mrs. Miranda.
Jilly Miranda: Please, call me Jilly.
Jack Hayes: Sure, Mrs. Miranda. Um, Jilly.
Jilly Miranda: I like that...the way my name sounds...coming off your lips. Jack and Jilly. Jack and Jilly went up the hilly.
Jack Hayes: What are you doing?
Jilly Miranda: Relax, Jack.
Jack Hayes: Mrs. Miranda, where is Mr. Miranda?

Jilly Miranda: Wait, Jack.
Jack Hayes: What?
Jilly Miranda: What are you doing?
Jack Hayes: Whaaat?!
Jilly Miranda: It was too quick. It was too fucking quick.
Jack Hayes: What are you talking about?
Jilly Miranda: Quiver, quake, tremble a little. I didn't feel any nervousness. It was just like the last time... and the time before.
Jack Hayes: Just like last time and the time before? Jack and Jilly? Jack and Jilly went up the hilly?How many times are you going to use... Jack and Jilly went up the hilly?
Jilly Miranda: I like Jack and Jilly went up the hilly.
Jack Hayes: Yeah, I know you do.
Jilly Miranda: Well, listen, pal... this is my fucking fantasy... When you get your own pool... you can orchestrate your own fantasies.
Jack Hayes: Fine.
Jilly Miranda: Two words for you, little man. Jackie Fucking Collins. Bone up.

A tu je aj nejaký obrazový materiál, pretože predpokladám, že drvivá väčšina ľudí ani nevie, že tento film existuje:


Filmy/Seriály | stály odkaz


  1. was it not a pale pail that they wanted to get?
    the pail must've been pale, rite? pails usually behave that way, unless they're made of some fucking plastic.
    seems to be fun. i like this sort of things and will definitely dl the flick. thanx for the tip :-)
    publikované: 11.03.2008 13:20:09 | autor: intwist (e-mail, web, autorizovaný)
  2. :))
    no vyzera to byt dost v pohode film :D
    publikované: 11.03.2008 23:10:59 | autor: Vera (e-mail, web, neautorizovaný)
  3. Ahoj :)))
    Mám na teba jednu otázku. Kde si ten film zohnala? Ja ho už hľadám... no ani neviem už koľko a tak by som ho veeeľmi chcela vidieť a stále nič :(... ďakujem za odpoveď.
    publikované: 15.03.2008 15:56:35 | autor: Weronika (e-mail, web, neautorizovaný)
  4. No...
    Nechce sa mi to tu vypisovať, tak ti dám len odkaz na jeden blog, kde nájdeš odpoveď.
    publikované: 15.03.2008 18:51:00 | autor: Kaena (e-mail, web, neautorizovaný)
  5. Tu je:
    publikované: 15.03.2008 18:51:25 | autor: Kaena (e-mail, web, neautorizovaný)
  6. Tu je:
    publikované: 15.03.2008 18:51:53 | autor: Kaena (e-mail, web, neautorizovaný)
  7. fdfdsfasdfdfdsfad
    nevim, jestli to víš, ale hraje tam i Shannon....jedna z těch Transek v tom Clubu:o))....ale tak, asi víš:D
    publikované: 21.03.2008 20:25:02 | autor: Dezz (e-mail, web, neautorizovaný)
  8. Dezz
    Jasne, ze viem:) Hra jedneho z tych typkov, ktori kruto vysmeju Johnnyho the Foxa:D:D:D
    publikované: 23.03.2008 17:13:27 | autor: Kaena (e-mail, web, neautorizovaný)
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